What is Chiquis Rivera net worth? Janney Marin Rivera who is popularly referred as Chiquis Rivera is a renowned America singer and a television personality.
She was born in Los Angeles, California in 1985, to Jenni Rivera and Pedro. She is the eldest of her four sisters. She studied at Notre Dame High School and she was a cheerleader for the USC Trojans Football team from 2003-2005.
She later attended college at California State University Los Angeles, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing.
Chiquis Rivera net worth
Early Life: Chiquis Rivera was born to the parents Jose Marin and Jenni Rivera in June 26th, 1985. She was born in Los Angeles, California. Her mother who is a singer by profession was instructed to have an abortion which she refused. How did she change if you ask. She then gave birth to Chiquis and her two other sisters, Rosie and Jenicka.
Chiquis was then born with her mother’s grandmother’s name Janney Marin. It is said that she was named by her mother’s grandmother who was a healer and she used to prophesize things about Jenni.
Іn thе уеаr 1997, thе аunt, Rоѕіе Rіvеrа саmе оut аnd соnfеѕѕеd thаt hеr fаthеr bу thе nаmе Јоѕе Маrіn wаѕ ѕехuаllу mоlеѕtіng hеr аnd thе ѕаmе wаѕ hарреnіng tо hеr аunt. Јоѕе wаѕ сhаrgеd wіth dеfіlеmеnt аnd rаре аnd wаѕ ѕеntеnсеd fоr mоrе thаn thіrtу-оnе уеаrѕ іn рrіѕоn.
Their mother, Jenni Rivera was a loving person and she doted on her daughters. She would never insult them and she always talked to them with respect. She was quite different from Chiquis growing up as Chiquis was the rebel child.
Jenni worked hard to raise her daughters. But coming from a poor family, she had to work at multiple jobs just so that she could bring her daughters through school and offer them other treats as well.
Jenni would always be there to motivate and encourage her daughters, especially Chiquis. She would tell her that she could become anything she set her mind to. This is the reason why Chiquis Rivera is a strong and courageous woman today.

Professional career: Chiquis Rivera is a singer, actress and television personality. She gained fame through the reality show, “I love Jenni” which was aired on the mun2 channel from 2012 till 2013. She was also featured in the movie “Filly Brown” in 2013. Later, she began performing in her mother’s shows from 2008 until 2011.
Chiquis Rivera has achieved much success in her short career span, as an actress and a singer. She has acted in various television series as well as movies such as, “Big Time Rush,” which is a Nickelodeon TV show. Her latest acting job is in the television series called “Hello Cupid,” where she portrayed the role of the rich girl named Brittany Greene.
By publishing a song named Paloma Blanca in the year 2014, and this was the start of her successful career in music and this song was recognized as the tribute to her mother.
Chiquis Rivera has a great fan following as well as many people who love her videos and are interested in every thing that she has done. Her fans greatly like her latest movie “La Llave De Mi Corazon,” which is a Mexican film. The main star in this movie is Priscilla Salinas and Chiquis Rivera portrays the role of another female character named Gabriela Soto.
She started her career as a singer by participating in various talent shows. Since she was very young, people were watching and supporting her due to the fact that she used to sing songs at a very young age. This helped her gain attention from the public and they loved to watch Chiquis Rivera perform on TV.
Awards & Achievements: · She has appeared in a lot of films and television shows. Some of them include, “Big Time Rush”, which is a Nickelodeon TV show and her latest film, “La Llave De Mi Corazan” which was viewed by more than two million people.
In 2008 she won the Televisa Award for the best actress in a telenovela. She was also nominated for Mya award for best actress from 2012 to 2014. Chiquis Rivera won 40% of the audience votes from Movistar during the final night of the Premios Juventud 2015, what this means is that 40% of people in Mexico voted for her.
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What is Chiquis Rivera Net Worth: By earning a good amount of money from her show business profession as well as in singing, Chiquis Rivera is living a lavish lifestyle without any financial stress. She has worked very hard for the money that she has earned from her work and she knows how to spend it wisely so that the hardwork does not go waste.
Chiquis Rivera net worth is summing up to $5 to $8 million. Chiquis Rivera net worth is consisting of her salary, awards and achievements during her career. She has worked hard during her career to collect this huge amount of net worth that she has now.
Facts: Chiquis Rivera is very bright in singing, acting and even dancing. She has also worked hard as an actress, singer and as a model. She is very talented and has worked hard to achieve everything she has done in her short career. She is truly inspiring and has shown that even though you might face difficulties, you can always get through them with a positive attitude.
Lifestyle & Relationship: Chiquis Rivera is in a relationship with Lorenzo E. Mendez Ronquillo. He is also a native of Monterrey and he is 39 years old. Chiquis Rivera lives a lifestyle of luxury with her husband Lorenzo E. Mendez Ronquillo, who also earns a sizeable amount of money through his hard work.
Сеlеbrаtеd Nаmе/Nісk Nаmе: Сhіquіѕ Rіvеrа
Rеаl Nаmе/Віrth Nаmе: Јаnnеу Маrín Rіvеrа
Gеndеr: Fеmаlе
Аgе: 36 уеаrѕ оld
Віrth Dаtе/Віrthdау: 26 Јunе 1985
Віrth Рlасе: Lоng Веасh, Саlіfоrnіа, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ
Nationality: American
Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn: Ѕtrаіght
Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ: Маrrіеd
Нuѕbаnd/Ѕроuѕе: Lоrеnzо Е. Мéndеz Rоnquіllо
Іѕ Сhіquіѕ Rіvеrа Gау/Lеѕbіаn? Nо
Dоеѕ ѕhе hаvе tаttооѕ?: Nо
Рrоfеѕѕіоn: Аmеrісаn ѕіngеr, Actress & TV Personality
Nеt Wоrth: $5 to $8 mіllіоn
Lаѕt Uрdаtеd: Маrсh 2022
As I have stated before, she has been appreciated for her singing talents. Her voice is rich, clear and possesses a power that captivates the audience; it sounds heavenly as well. She has a beautiful voice and has shown her talent in multiple occasions. She has sung songs such as: “Complicated,” “No One Else on Earth,” and many others.
She has 5.2 million followers on Instagram, 617,400 thousand followers on Twitter and 830,000 thousand followers on Facebook.

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