The more you know about roofs, the better your roof will last. Roof systems are different from one another and some have been done poorly enough to have been known to require replacement after just a few years. These materials are also very expensive, so it’s in your best interest to learn as much as possible about how tall is the average roof before deciding on a material for your project.
This is a guide to the important aspects of roofing. Many people think of roofing as only a vertical surface that goes from the roofline to the eaves, but in reality, there are many horizontal surfaces that need to be considered in the design and installation of the roof. Because all roofs take up different amounts of space, it’s important to have a good idea of how tall is the average roof.
This can help you determine how much room something will take up on your property and which material or application will be best for your situation.
How tall is the average roof?
How tall is the average roof? The average height of a residential rooftop range from 10 to 12 feet. This can vary, depending on where you live and if the roof is flat or pitched. Homeowners should consider both of these when deciding on the material for their new roof.
Also, keep in mind that you need room not only for your actual roof but also for gutters, vents, skylights and other accessories that come with it. In some cases, space around a house may be limited so new construction may be needed instead of just redoing the current structure.
Roofs are made of many different materials and designs. This often leads to confusion over how much space a particular roof will take up and which one is best for your situation. The four most commonly used materials for roofing are:
- Aluminum: This is a lightweight, inexpensive material that can be used for simple, low-cost roofs and will make for a very flexible, open style. The downside to aluminum is that it’s sometimes susceptible to damage from strong winds and can sometimes damage more easily from hail.
- Copper: Copper has been used in roofing since the Roman Empire (ancient copper was common). It’s a very rustic looking material that would go well with most architectural styles. One of the biggest benefits of copper is durability. This is one of the few materials you’ll see that lasts longer than 20 years without needing repair or replacement.
- Wood: This is a classic style that’s prominent in many communities and can have an overall classic look if done right. Wood roofs are usually a little more expensive than their aluminum counterparts but they’re still very affordable. A roof made of wood is flexible but durable and almost no maintenance is required to keep it in good shape.
- Metal: Metal roofs have become more and more popular over the years and have some benefits that make them worth considering. They’re very durable, even in extreme weather conditions (just like wood, which is one of the main reasons why both are so popular). Metal roofs can be customized for your own tastes or to fit the style of your home or just be used as a cost-effective option for populating an older home or commercial building.
The biggest factor to consider when deciding which type of metal for your project is how tall is the average roof. While metal roofs can be used for a variety of styles, they are very heavy. They’re also expensive and require the most maintenance.
Manufacturers offer a variety of different styles and they can be made from a wide range of materials. Some materials are naturally better insulators than others, which is why it’s important to consider how tall is the average roof when choosing your new roof.

Factors to consider:
- Climate: Different climates usually require more or less insulation. Heat can quickly pass through an uninsulated roof and you’ll be paying more for your utilities if a roof is poorly insulated. There are many different types that can provide both durability and quality results at almost any cost level.
Factors such as climate can be hard to predict but considering how tall is the average roof when choosing your new roof helps ensure you’ll have one that lasts and doesn’t break down at an inconvenient time. A little bit of research goes a long way when choosing a new roof for your home.
- Standing water: In areas where there’s a lot of wind, standing water can be very destructive over time. If you have a flat, uninsulated roof that’s constantly exposed to harsh weather conditions, it should be replaced.
- Cost: Often the biggest factor when deciding on any new material is the cost. Many people are limited by their budget and if they believe they need a steel or aluminum roof but can’t afford it, they may opt for more affordable options instead. While many of these materials are cheaper than others, quality can often be compromised as well.
- Time frame: The life span of a roof also has to be considered. If it’s time for a new roof and the current one seems to have years left, it may be better to weatherproof it instead. This way, it will last longer and require less maintenance.
A quality roof is a good investment for your home. It not only protects your interior from the elements, but it also keeps your exterior looking like new with minimal work. For this reason, it’s important to choose a roof that can be expected to last a long time and isn’t likely to need replacement or repair in the near future.
- Reputation: While the quality of most products depends on the company behind them, some manufacturers have a bad reputation when it comes to durability and quality standards (especially with copper roofs). It’s not uncommon for there to be problems with materials that have weak endurance in areas that are prone to harsh weather conditions.
Always check with your local supplier before making a final decision on an expensive purchase like a new roof.
- Interface: If your roofing needs to be compatible with a specific exterior wall or structure, it’s important to understand that they’ll need to be matched. For example, if you have a metal roof installed on a non-metal wall, the two materials won’t work together and you’ll need an additional option. There are several options for this kind of situation (such as building screening in between) that make it worth considering the extra costs involved.
The most expensive material to install is the very best one we chose for any situation and we believe that’s why there’s such high demand for aluminum roofs. It’s been proven over and over that they are more affordable over the long run, even when you factor in labor costs and any maintenance that’s needed.
Read Also: Roof Leaks In Heavy Rain: How To Stop Roof Leaks
How tall is a two-storey house?
The average height of most two-story houses, including the roof, is between 20 and 25 feet, depending on the pitch (slope) of the roof. This height is usually measured in feet and inches on both the front and back sides.
For example, a 15-foot height is a really good option for many roofs, while a 20-foot roof can provide additional space at the top of your home (or provide extra storage space up there if you’re short).
City planners want to see your roof at least 30 feet from ground level to avoid any obstructions or heights that could cause injury or danger. Most common carport sizes are between 12 to 16 feet long (long enough for typical cars), but taller buildings may require bigger spaces as well unless you want to utilize live trees that are in the way.
Many modern two-story homes are designed with a split second floor, meaning the master suite and other bedrooms are on the ground level while an open space (living room) can be located upstairs. This is common for houses with basements, but there are some options for those who don’t have a lower level too.
Some homes that have been customized to include additional height may also feature a loft or attic as another option.
When determining how tall the average roof is, we should consider the following:
- Pitch: The pitch of your roof is important and sometimes can be more expensive than the actual materials you choose to install. The pitch is going to determine how much water will drain off after a rainstorm and how quickly it will do so as well.
Pitch is measured in degrees on a small graph with a horizontal line (zero degrees) and a vertical line (90 degrees). The less pitch your roof has, the slower the water will drain off and the more that’s going to go into holding up your roof. Having too much of an angle on your roof can cause it to blow off after storms as well.
- Materials: The materials you choose have a direct impact on the cost and quality of the roof you end up with. Usually, there’s a cost associated with installation charges and labor for any new products.
There are also different types of shingles to consider based on longevity and overall quality. While many people opt for the “cheapest” option, there are so many different options that you can pick from that it may be safe to go higher end as well.
- Size: Consider how big your roof is before choosing any new materials or deciding upon your pitch or angle. It’s best to pick a size that you’re comfortable with that lines up with your needs. They’re available in a wide range of sizes (from small down to extra-large) and can be purchased through any local building supply store.
- Maintenance: Make sure you plan for maintenance as well as possible. The best options are those that are more affordable and easier to maintain than others. Some materials need special attention to keep them from degrading too much over time (such as vinyl roofs), so you want to make sure this is factored in.
- Safety: If you feel like having a rooftop that’s taller than most of your neighbors or present company, you’ll have an increased safety risk during storms. There’s always the chance that the wind may pick up enough speed to damage your roof or cause other damage, so it’s recommended to take precautions whenever possible.
A good base on whether most roofs should be left as-is or replaced is if they’ve been installed for at least 20 years.
In other to know how tall the average roof is, we need to also consider the materials used. It can be difficult to decide which material is going to be the best for your home and the size of your roof. The market is filled with so many different options that it may be worth taking a little extra time to research before deciding on any new products.
We’ve found that there are so many benefits to each option, and our extensive experience has shown us why aluminum is the most popular choice. It’s stronger, more effective at shedding water over time, less expensive, and easier to install or maintain than some of the alternatives (such as steel).
Finding out what materials are best for you depends on your roof type, location, budget, and other concerns (like safety).