How to unclog a toilet when not working


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We usually don’t think about our toilet much assuming it always performs the same every day. It doesn’t work that way though, and sometimes your toilet could clog up, especially if you’re using commercial cleaning products. This article explains to you how to unclog a toilet when it cannot be reached by conventional methods.

How to unclog a toilet when not working

1. Plunger

The first thing and most obvious thing to do is to use a plunger. You can find a plunger in your bathroom cabinet. To use it, you put the end of the plunger into the drain opening of your toilet bowl and push down on the handle.

The suction created by a plunger will help dislodge any material that is stuck in your toilet drain. Once you have removed the material in your toilet, flush your toilet a few more times to help any additional material in your toilet drain.

2. Use soap and hot water to unclug your toilet

 Use soap and hot water to unclug your toilet

If you’re having trouble getting any of the materials in your toilet drain to come out, try using a mixture of hot water and dish soap. This technique, usually called a “hot water flush”, helps prevent objects from sticking to your toilet and the walls of the drain pipe.

Most plumbers recommend that you use a mixture of three parts soap and one part hot water. Put a few drops of dish soap in the bowl and add some hot water. This should help soften the clog after a few minutes.

Wait for about five minutes and then plunge.
One way to make sure this mixture doesn’t overflow is to put it in a coffee cup or other matching container. Suction is created by placing the plunger into the toilet bowl and then applying pressure with your hand on top of the plunger handle.

You can also try using a plunger with just water, but it’s recommended that you follow with hot soapy water.

3. Vinegar and Baking Soda

Another very good tools for unclogging clogged toilets are vinegar, which works as an abrasive agent, and baking soda, which is used to clean the pipes by neutralizing the acid of soap. If you use any of these products instead of water, make sure that you flush after they’ve been used.

To prepare the mixture, fill a bucket with one part vinegar and two parts hot water, and then add 2 tbsp. of baking soda. The baking soda will neutralize any acidity in the toilet and help break up any buildup at the same time. Step away from the toilet and flush once you’ve finished pouring your bucket mixture down your bathroom drain.

This technique is known as a “septic safe” method for unclogging toilets because it helps to reduce the amount of grime that you send to your septic tank. It’s also gentler on sewer lines than chemicals most plumbers use to break up clogs in the house drains.

4. Use a snake

Use a snake to unclog toilet

You can also use a long flexible snake when unclogging your toilet. Put the snake in the bowl and push it around to loosen the clog. A common mistake many people make is pushing the snake forward when they should be pushing it back. Pushing the snake back will break up the clog.

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5. Drain Cleaners

Using drain cleaners, or chemicals to unclog your toilet, is considered the most dangerous of the method for unclogging your toilet. This is because many of these chemicals can build up in your sewer system and cause problems – especially in the wastewater treatment plants. These chemicals are also unhealthy for humans and other animals to breathe.

You should first contact a plumber before using a drain cleaner on a clogged toilet. The chemicals used by many plumbers to clean drain pipes contain no harmful substances.

The downside of using a drain cleaner is that it often does not work as fast as other methods, but it will still work as long as you follow the directions on the chemical bottle.

6. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a natural drain cleaner. You can pour it into the toilet bowl, let it sit for a couple of hours, and then flush.

7. Using Lemon Peels

There are other natural alternatives to use instead of chemical drain cleaners to unclog your toilet. One is using lemon peels. You can put the peels in the bowl, let them sit for about half an hour, and then flush. You’ll probably have to repeat this process at least one more time before your toilet will start flowing again.

8. Using salt

To use salt, put about three cups of salt in a bucket. You can mix it with water or pour it directly into the toilet bowl. After the recommended time has passed, rinse the bowl and flush it several times. This will usually work within one to two minutes.

Will a toilet eventually unclog itself?

Yes, it is possible for a toilet to unclog itself. If the clog is a normal substance that is easily degradable such as food and paper or feces, it will not be a problem for the toilet to unclog itself. If the clog is not that easy to unclog, you can try unclogging it yourself and then run the water to flush it out. Usually, it should take anywhere from an hour to a whole day for a toilet to unclog itself. If the problem does not go away, you may need to call a professional.

Reasons for clogged toilets

A clogged toilet can be an extremely frustrating experience. While there are many possible reasons for a clogged toilet, some of the more common reasons are listed below.

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Disposable wipes:

These are another name for baby wipes, but adults use them too. They are popular because they flush easily down your toilet and clean your bottom well. Unfortunately, they also do not break down as regular toilet paper or tampons do, and that is why they can cause clogs in your pipes. Make sure you check that the Packaging says “Safe for Septic Tanks” if you are disposing of wipes down your bathroom drains.

Dental Floss:

Dental floss is made of silk, which does not break down easily in water. It can get stuck in your pipes and cause clogs.

Cotton Balls:

Cotton balls are another common culprit of clogged toilets, especially if you use them to wipe your child’s bottom. Not only do they often get stuck in the toilet, but they do not dissolve easily. The best thing to do with cotton balls is to dissolve them in warm water before disposing of them or putting them down in your toilet bowl. You can also dispose of them if you put them in a plastic bag and dispose of the bag properly.


One of the most common objects found in toilets is a toothpick. They seem to get flushed down the toilet by accident more often than any other item. Since they do not dissolve as easily as some other toilet paper items, it’s best to dispose of them in a trash can or plastic bag.

Dental Fillings:

Dental fillings are another common cause of clogged toilets. This is because they can break off and go undetected by you and then find their way down your toilet and into your pipes and on into your septic system. This can cause a major problem for your septic tank and can even cause your system to fail.


As previously stated, tampons are also one of the more common culprits of clogged toilets. This is because they are made out of cotton, so they do not break down in water very easily. If you have a septic tank, it’s best to dispose of them in the trash can.

Preventing Clogged Toilets

If you know what causes clogged toilets, then you will be aware of the proper way to protect yourself against them. Some of the most common ways to protect yourself from clogs in your bathroom drain are listed below.

1. Do not flush any items down the toilet that aren’t supposed to go there. The most common items that should be disposed of in the trash can or plastic bag are clothes, dental floss, cotton balls, and baby wipes.

2. Use a toilet brush to scrub your toilet at least once a week, especially taking care to clean the hard-to-reach areas around the base of your toilet bowl. You can easily buy a toilet brush with a long handle from most stores. While you are at it, you should also clean under your rim and under your water feeder valves as well as all other parts of your bathroom drain every time you clean the rest of your bathroom drain.

3. Do not use toilet bowl cleaners excessively. While it is possible to clean your toilet bowl with a toilet bowl cleaner by spraying it on the inside surface of your toilet bowl, overuse of this can actually damage the rubber used in most modern toilets. If you have hard water in your area, consider using a pH-balanced cleaner for your toilet.

4. Your best option when cleaning your toilet is to buy a washable cloth (they are made out of microfiber) and use that to clean the inside of your toilet every time you clean the rest of your bathroom drain. You can get these washable clothes at most grocery or department stores for less than $10. You may have to replace them every few months if you use them on a daily basis.


Maintaining your bathroom drain and avoiding clogged toilets is not as difficult as it may sound. Just be sure to always flush things that should go down the toilet and clean your bathroom drain regularly, and you’ll never have any problems with your drains. I hope this article on how to unclog a toilet has been helpful for you.

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