First aid treatment is a form of medical care that is used immediately in the case of serious injury or illness by those first responders who have limited medical skills. There are many advantages and disadvantages to being able to administer first aid treatment.

One advantage is the fact that it can provide temporary relief, as well as its potential ability to prevent more serious complications. It also allows for immediate care, which could be life-saving in severe cases.
However, first aid treatment can also be very risky, especially if the person receiving it has a serious underlying medical condition or is intoxicated.
The first aid treatment given to the patient should be limited to the area of the injury or illness, and should only be administered by someone who has taken an appropriate training course.
A second advantage is that this kind of care can help patients who are unable to travel safely, as well as those who live in remote areas and do not have access to other health care facilities.
What Is First Aid Treatment?
First aid treatment is an important part of emergency response and disaster preparedness. When you think about first aid, you probably picture someone applying bandages and splints. But it’s much more than that!
First aid also includes administering medication, including medication to prevent future complications.
First Aid means emergency care or treatment given to an ill or injured person before regular medical aid can be obtained. First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening and help them to safe zone.
The immediate care given to a person is known as first aid. The purpose of first aid is to provide the basic life saving, and accident prevention without any special treatment.
First aid, also known as emergency medical care, involves the immediate and temporary care given to individuals who are injured or suddenly become ill before being taken to a hospital.
It is provided by individuals with some type of first aid training/certification, sometimes even by bystanders at the scene of an injury or sudden illness. First aid can be performed with limited equipment.
It is important that whoever provides first aid has sufficient knowledge of the subject. There are many advantages to first aid, but it is also very risky. First aid must be administered correctly or the treatment may even do more harm than good.
In this case the advantage is that medical care is provided immediately in an emergency situation. The disadvantage is that the person providing first aid may be untrained and might do more harm than good.
The trained first responder should always assume that everyone else present has no or little training. This simple but important action will ensure that every one working on a casualty, whether trained or not, will approach their task safely and effectively.
First aid is not meant to be used in place of professional medical care, but it can provide the temporary relief needed until someone with more extensive knowledge and experience in the field can arrive at the scene.
It is important to remain calm when administering first aid, and remember that there is no way to guard against all possible complications; however, much can be done to prevent serious injury or even death.
Without first aid, there would be many unnecessary deaths every year as a result of injuries and sudden illnesses that could have been treated effectively and safely.
What first aid does is provide the basic life saving, and accident prevention without any special treatment. It is commonly performed by a first aider who has been trained to do so.
The best way to administer first aid is to be the first one on the scene, so you can administer it early and provide maximal care. The chances of survival are increased dramatically when help is administered right away as compared to waiting for professional medical care.

This will give people and victims more time to seek professional medical help before they are too badly injured, or even worse killed.
First aid is performed on the victim immediately after the injury or sudden illness, prior to transportation to the hospital for full medical treatment. First aid can buy valuable time for injured individuals who would otherwise die or suffer serious complications or untimely death.
This method of medical care also allows for immediate care, which could be life-saving in severe cases. First Aid does not involve any special treatments and involves only basic techniques which are applied on a patient suffering from accident or injury.
Heading on to the next topic which are the advantages and disadvantages of first aid treatment, let’s have a little knowledge about the steps to take on how to perform first aid treatment.
How To Perform First Aid Treatment?
There are several steps to take on how to perform first aid treatment to any victim involved in an accident. These steps includes:
- Stop to assess the situation – watch out for danger.
- Make sure it is safe to approach the scene.
- Make the area safe.
- Assess the victim.
- Stop the bleeding.
- Elevate the injured area above heart level.
- Control any further damage caused by movement of the injured part, this is referred to as stabilizing the injured part.
- Seek proper medical attention as soon as possible.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fist Aid Treatment
Here, we will be discussing on the advantages and disadvantages of first aid treatment but firstly, we will dive into the advantages of first aid treatment and then later the disadvantages of first aid treatment.
Advantages Of Fist Aid Treatment
Some of the advantages of first aid treatment are as follows:
1. Aids Recovery
By providing first aid assistance, the badly injured person is able to have a faster recovery and if they are given immediate professional medical treatment, they may be able to recover more quickly.
It is vital that the first aid trained person remains calm and avoid moving the patient too much at the time they are being treated.
First aid is important because it can provide immediate help during an accident or injury. The caregivers can stop bleeding, apply bandages and splints as well as give medications to prevent further damage from occurring. In this way, the medical treatment that is required needs not be extended out for a longer period of time than needed.
2. Preserves Life
The good thing about first aid is that it can help save a life. Many accidents can cause damage to the person’s body and this may be very serious and sometimes may lead to death if left unnoticed or untreated.
If the person had been treated for the injury at an earlier time, this would have meant that medical staff could have provided proper medical treatment that could have reduced or prevented further injury from occurring.
For example, if a person suffers a back injury, he/she will be more likely to suffer from other injuries as well as physical pain in their lower back than if they had received first aid in this instance. Therefore, it is worth taking a look at first aid because it can save lives.
3. Managing The Incident
The first aider is there to manage the incident. The first aider should be the first one on the scene who will perform the treatment in order to stop potential death or disability.
At the same time, give first aid treatment to the victim. They will be able to make a victim with possible injuries feel more comfortable and reduce the shock of a sudden accident. A first aider will be able to do this by giving them support and reassurance that everything is fine and that they can be taken care of.
Disadvantages Of First Aid Treatment
Some of the disadvantages of first aid treatment are as follows:
1. Cannot Be Used For All Trauma Or Sudden Illness
First aid is just for some injuries and sudden illness. It does not work for all trauma or sudden condition.
Other first aid treatment will be required for the injuries that are serious enough to need a medical professional. This is because first aid treatment is just to make the victim feel comfortable and also to stop any sudden bleeding.
First aid is not suitable for life-threatening situations. There are different types of first aid, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which can be used as an emergency measure if needed but it would not be suitable as a treatment for some injuries or illnesses.
2. May Cause Other Injuries
There is a possibility that the first aid treatment might cause other injuries because of the way it is performed.
For example, if the first aid was to treat a shoulder dislocation and this was done by trying to move the shoulder back into its socket, there is a chance of breaking the collarbone if it is not done correctly.
This is why it is important to properly train in first aid. It can be a life-saving skill, but not when performed incorrectly.
First aid is very important in our day to day life. Since it can save a person’s life in situations of accidents and injuries, it becomes all the more essential to know the first aid treatment steps.
First aid training provides important information on handling these situations and also how to handle them in a manner that can help save lives.
By knowing what first aid treatment involves, advantages and disadvantages of first aid treatment and how it is performed, we will be better prepared if the worst case scenario happens and we need to use first aid.