Pros And Cons Of Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Motor


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What do you understand by capacitor start and capacitor run motor? Do you know the pros and cons of capacitor start capacitor run motor? If these are questions which you have no answers to, then you have come to the right place where you get all the knowledge you need.

diagram of different types of capacitor motors

Whether you’re a home owner or a business owner, you may have come across the term capacitor start motor. The capacitor start motor is also known as the CSR. It can be found in many different industrial settings such as warehouses and factories.

It can also be used in other locations such as hospitals, schools, offices and homes. The CSR has been around for many years and it is still very popular today.

This is because they are reliable and they are relatively inexpensive when compared to some of the other choices available to people these days like variable speed induction motors which use an inverter to adjust frequency.

This article will go through some pros and cons of capacitor start capacitor run motor.

What Is A Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Motor?

A capacitor is an electrical component which can store energy for a short or long period of time depending on its construction and how it is used. A capacitor is essentially a plastic or glass container filled with two different types of conducting materials.

The conducting materials are usually liquids, but could be other solids as well. The conductors in it are usually metals. One part of the container is always positive while the other part is always negative.

A normal capacitor has many plates like a battery, but it has very high voltage and low current. This means that they can store a lot of energy which can be used to power an electric motor or other devices.

A capacitor motor can be defined as any motor that uses capacitors. In fact capacitors can be used in any type of motors including induction motors, stepper motors and even synchronous motors.

The term capacitor motor is commonly used to refer to a start capacitor run motor specifically. This is because a normal capacitor will not have enough voltage or current to power most electric motors which are connected directly to them.

They are usually connected in series with the run winding of a motor and the start winding has all of the characteristics that you need to power up the motor and make it run at high speeds.

When this happens, you will see that an electric current is generated which can be used to power other devices as well like lights or other types of machinery.

A capacitor start capacitor run motor is a type of control system. It allows a person to start or run an electric motor.

It works in much the same way as most other electric motors that use a capacitor. When an electric current is applied, it will attract the electrons to one end of the cap, where they are attracted to each other and create a magnetic field that can be used to generate energy.

This energy will be used to drive the motor which is attached at the opposite end of the cap. A capacitor start capacitor run motor uses this method of generating electricity from energy stored in a storage device like a battery.

A capacitor start capacitor run motor is a single phase motor consisting of a stator and a single-cage rotor. The stator has two windings i.e. main winding and an auxiliary winding. The auxiliary winding is a known as the starting winding. The main winding is known as the running winding.

When a starter is used, it will usually be connected to two ends of the windings just like in standard motors. This way you can connect a capacitor to both ends of the running and starting windings so that it provides enough power to turn on the motor.

When you connect the capacitor to both ends of the running and starting windings, it basically means that you are reversing polarity. The running motor will now start and the starting motor will run in reverse.

a graph showing different levels of speed of a capacitor

This is what makes a capacitor start capacitor run motor work. In this case, there is no actual winding that turns as it is all done by reversing polarity. The rotation will always occur in one direction because this kind of system cannot produce rotation in both directions at the same time.

A capacitor start capacitor run motor works by using the current generated by two capacitors to power the windings of the motor.

In addition it will also reverse polarity so that it can switch directions which makes it very easy for you to control.

However, this is not the only reason why a capacitor start capacitor run motor should be used. There are many others as well which will be discussed.

With the increasing demand for power in our daily lives, it is evident that there is a need for controlling electric motors using different types of control.

The capacitor start capacitor run motor is an important part of controlling electric motors. If you want to use a single phase motor with a capacitor as an electromechanical device, then you should be using this control system.

In addition you will also save on your energy bills as well because when your motor starts and runs in reverse, you will be generating electricity during the time that your motor runs backward which can be used to power other devices.

Moving on, let’s take a look into the pros and cons of capacitor start capacitor run motor.

Pros And Cons Of Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Motor

Here, we will be talking about the various pros and cons of capacitor start capacitor run motor but firstly, we will discuss the pro of capacitor start capacitor run motor and then later it’s cons.


Some of the advantages of capacitor start capacitor run motor are as follows:

1. Saves Energy

Moving on to the first and most obvious advantage of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor is that it can save energy. It does this by generating electricity during the time that your motor runs in reverse.

However, it should be noted that this only works for a limited time. If you want to save more energy you must use an externally powered generator or something similar which will provide enough power to run all your devices at the same time.

2. Long Lasting

Another important advantage of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor is that it can greatly reduce wear and tear on most electrical motors.

In fact there have been many cases where people have used capacitors with windings in their motors causing serious damage to the motor.

Using a start capacitor run motor will prevent this because they are able to reverse polarity which allows it to switch directions. This is also a very good reason as well because by doing this you will always be able to operate all your machines at the same time.

3. Easy To Use

The most obvious benefit of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor is that you can use them easily. This is because all you have to do is connect it to the power supply and the motor windings.

You can also start up motors using capacitors when the batteries in your machines have run down completely.


Some of the disadvantages of capacitor start capacitor run motor are as follows:

1. Higher Price

The most obvious disadvantage of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor is that it is more expensive than other types of systems.

However, the price can be justified if you are seeking to save energy which is why we highly recommend that you consider using this control system.

2. Limited Capability

Another drawback of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor is that it only works with single phase motors as well as some three phase motors.

If you have a three-phase motor, then this system will not be able to generate electricity because there are no capacitors that can work with those kinds of motors.

If you need to use a capacitor start capacitor run motor with a three phase motor, then you can do so by using something like an inductor which will reduce the polarity of the winding.


As you can see, there are many benefits of using a capacitor start capacitor run motor. However, they can be justified if you are looking to save energy. The technical specifications of the product have stated that it will work with single phase motors but it can also work with three phase motors by using an inductor.

You can also use it to start up motors that don’t have any power. Before you start using your capacitor, you must first check out the technical details so that you can avoid damaging it in the future.

If you want to manually start a motor, you should consider using a capacitor. This is because a capacitor can provide all the current required to run your motors for an extended period of time for both starting and running.

a graphical representation of a capacitor start capacitor run motor

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