Aviation obstruction illumination is used to improve the image of buildings or fixed obstructions that may interfere with an aircraft’s safe navigation. Interference lighting is widely installed on towers, structures, and even fences in regions where low-altitude aircraft may operate. Some aviation regulators require the installation, function, color, and/or status reporting of obstacle lighting in specific regions. These illumination systems often employ one or more greater strobe or LED devices that may be seen by pilots from many miles distant from the barrier for optimal visibility and collision avoidance.
Red lights that are either always lit or fade on and off gradually in a period of a few moments are the most common type of light.
• Xenon flashbulbs in white.
Until recently, both varieties remained used in the U.k. Red lamps must only be used at night, according to new legislation. Xenon flashes are being phased out one by one.
There are numerous types of lights in the USA:
• Lights that cause obstruction
• Red strobes and beacons
• White (strobe) lights with a high intensity
• White (strobe) lights with a medium intensity
Red lamps (or beacons) have traditionally used incandescent filament bulbs. They are built with a rugged design and run at lower operating power to extend their otherwise short lifespan (under-running). The use of an array of high red LEDs in place of lightbulbs is a recent invention that has only been viable since the introduction of LEDs with sufficient brightness. In comparison to incandescent bulbs, LED-based lamps offer a much longer lifespan, lowering maintenance costs and enhancing reliability. To replace xenon, several manufacturers have created moderate white strobes centered on LED technology. Xenon flashers, while more aesthetically appealing, require more frequent replacement and have thus fallen out of favor. White strobe lights are still popular, even with the introduction of LEDs.
During the day, structures with white xenon blinkers strobes are common, whereas, at night, structures with red lights are common. Red lights are frequently utilized in metropolitan areas because they are simpler for pilots to notice from above. In metropolitan locations, white strobes (which flash continuously) may also be employed. It has been suggested that blinking white strobe lights not be used in heavily populated regions because the lights tend to blend in with environment lighting at night, making it hard for pilots to detect them and exacerbating the danger.
Residents living near the illuminated structure will also complain about light trespass. During the night, red beacons/strobes may be utilized in rural regions. White strobe lights are (sometimes) favored because they are less expensive to maintain (i.e. no painting upkeep, no red side lights), because there are no backdrop lights that would mix with the strobes.
A low-intensity white flash and a high white strobe are available. On structures around 200 and 500 feet, moderate white strobes are typically utilized (61-152.4 meters). A structure that is more than 500 ft (152.4 metres) tall must be painted if a moderate white strobe is employed. The median time white flash flashes 40 times on average at 20,000 candelas during the day/twilight and 2,000 luminous intensity at night.
A high-intensity strobe, unlike a moderate strobe, does not give 360° coverage, necessitating the deployment of at least three high flashlights at each level. But at the other end, it lowers the expense of maintenance (i.e. no painting). If the antennas at the top of the structure are longer than 20 meters, a moderate white strobe light should be positioned above it instead of below it. A typical high white flash flashes 40 times a minute at 270,000 candelas during the day, 20,000 candelas during twilight, and 2,000 luminous intensities at night.
Towers used for transmission

The electric field around the electrified conductor, or the magnetic force produced by the current flowing through the conductor, can illuminate lights on electric transmission towers. The first method makes use of the high electrical potential that exists around conductors.
What is the purpose of lighting?
Aircraft collide with the ground and, on rare occasions, with buildings and structures. Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) can assist pilots in seeing structures more quickly.
What are the prices of lights?
Expect to pay around £1,500 (In The U.K) for a single high-quality light on the list. Additional control equipment is likely to be required for systems with several lights (particularly if they are flashing).
How can I tell if I require lighting?
In practice, the height of the structure, discussion with regional airports and airbases, as well as the UK and European aviation rules and regulations influence this. Following are some general guidelines:
• Buildings taller than 150 meters will require at least part AGL lighting.
• Lighting is likely to be required for tall buildings in close proximity to an airport or airbase.
• Lighting may be required for large structures on high land within 15 kilometers of an airline or airbase
When did it become mandatory to place red lights on the tops of big buildings?
The Tallest Building in NYC was attacked by a private jet in 1945, however, I’m not sure what year the red lights were turned on. However, within six months, they had erected a light tower that revolved 360 degrees with a constant beam. In 1959, I resided in a five-story apartment building in Nutley, New Jersey, where the Empire State Building’s light would flash once every minute in the evening.
What are the most common places for lights to be installed?
Lights are typically installed on a building’s upper corners. They are positioned at the uppermost practical point on uneven buildings and structures. The installation of intermediary lights at lower heights is required for some structures.
Because red light is less scattered by small particulates, fog, or smoke in the atmosphere, it is simpler to notice it clearly and plainly, allowing the pilot to be alerted to the presence of an object and avoid a crash.