How to Choose the Right Material for your Home Furniture

Uzoamaka Ezenobi

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Everyone wants their home furniture material to be durable and stand the test of time. However, it becomes challenging sometimes because there are a lot of furniture materials to choose from. Being able to choose the right material for your furniture is very important.

There are disadvantages involved in choosing particular furniture material over the other, and understanding this will help one to choose a furniture material best suited for them.

Ready to know your furniture materials? Sit down and grab your coffee while we put you through what’s important to consider when choosing the right material for your home furniture.

1. Wood

Wood furniture material is one the home furniture materials

Wood furniture has been the norm for as long as man could remember. This is because we all like the feel of wood. It has a natural beauty of its own. There are many types of wood furniture materials you could choose from, there’s oak, mahogany, maple, pine, and many others. For a long time now, beds, tables, and chairs have been made of wood. Wood furniture gives a very simple interior which is lovely and equally durable. S

2. Glass

Glass furniture material in the home

We live in a time of progress and advancement in technology. A piece of furniture made of glass brings creativity and light into the interior of the room.  It makes the place look elegant and fits into any interior regardless if it’s an office or living area. 

Glass furniture materials can be very attractive; reason is because of its transparent appearance and it’s what gives the furniture a modern look. Glass furniture materials lend style and sophistication to the home, but it is more delicate and dangerous to use than most materials.

3. Wicker/ Cane

Cane furniture material give beauty in the home.

Wicker furniture has been in existence for a long time now, however, it has become less common today. This furniture is lightweight and can be easily moved about with less effort. It requires low maintenance as it needs occasional polishing to retain its beauty and elegance.

However, with time, it can just loosen up thereby not last for a long time. Also, it’s not so comfortable without using the cushions.

4. Acrylic

Using furniture material made of acrylic gives your home style, sophistication and durability. Acrylic is strong, shatter resistant and lightweight but it’s not scratch resistant like glass furniture material. So if you have a dark hallway, the last thing on your mind should be to use wood as it would make the place darker. Rather acrylic furniture will do the magic by making it feel lighter and brighter.

Equally, acrylic can make a small space feel bigger. if you are looking for glamourous touch in your furniture, then acrylic serves that purpose. 

5. Steel

Modern, high-tech interior space solutions are predominately made of stainless. Furniture made of steel comes with its beauty and charm. Steel is better than other furniture materials because it’s waterproof as well as fireproof. It’s a great choice for outdoor too. 

Steel furniture material has strength and durability and it’s easy to clean and maintain. Unlike acrylic or glass, steel has crack and scratch resistance. However, because steel is made of iron, as result, it can be cold sometimes.

6. Plastic

Plastic furniture material as a part of home furniture.

Plastic is one of the most affordable solutions that offer strength, durability, and has a nice appearance. It is good for both internal and external use. It is one of the greatest options for both residential and business spaces because of its great look. It equally saves a lot of space. and it’s portable.

However, plastic furniture materials lack elegance and when compared to wooden furniture, it doesn’t last that long. Also, plastic is not considered environmentally friendly as its a non-biodegradable material.

7. Leather

Leather is a popular furniture material that provides an elegant and contemporary appearance to the interior. It’s mostly used to upholster chairs and sofas. But it’s quite expensive. When it comes to furniture materials, one can never go wrong with leather. This is because it’s easy to maintain. It equally repels food and beverage when spilled and can be easily cleaned. 

The downside of leather is that it can tear and wear out. When newly purchased, it can look hard but with constant use, it begins to relax and at a point wear off. Also, it doesn’t have scratch resistance. When considering furniture materials for outdoor, it’s safer to avoid buying leather.

In spite of the above, leather furniture has been in the market for quite a while and has never lost its attraction. This material comes in different finishes and designs making it a good choice for those who like to change their interior design frequently.

8. Fabric

Fabric furniture material has a special kind of beauty to the home

Furniture materials made of fabric are gotten from silk, cotton, wool and linen. Sometimes, they may use synthetic materials to make fabric such as polyester, nylon etc.

Fabric furniture material is budget-friendly, comfortable and has a wide range to choose from. Since it’s made out of fabric, it’s very light and can be easily moved around.

Tips for Choosing the Right Home Furniture

a. Stick to the budget

Before you set out to buy a piece of furniture, the first thing you should do is to define your budget. Sit down and decide how much you are willing to spend and stick to it. Having this understanding will help you make the right decision for your furniture.

Certain times, when people don’t budget, they can get to the store and be confused because of the various options they are faced with. This confusion will lead them to probably exceed their budget thus they end up spending more than they wanted. So budgeting is crucial.

b. Decide your theme 

Here, you should decide what kind of environment catches your fancy. This goes a long way in defining your personality. Do you like simple, sophisticated or modern decorations? You should understand your theme perfectly before you go to purchase a piece of furniture. This will help you narrow down on the kind of furniture you want to buy.

The right colour of furniture materials will not only add warmth and simplicity but will also reflect your personality.

c. Consider your furniture material 

The quality of your furniture material is not something that should be toyed with. Here, durability is very important. Considering the time and resources put into the choice of furniture materials, nobody wants to purchase a piece of furniture only for it not to last.

d. Think about the number of people

The number of people living in the house or that will use the furniture is an important factor in choosing the right furniture for yourself. You should consider how many people will use the piece of furniture. If you are living by yourself, you probably don’t need a massive living room set. 

However, if you have a large family the reverse should be the case. This applies to the kitchen, rooms and other parts of the house. If the piece of furniture you have chosen looks good but it is too small for all the people who are likely to sit on it, then go for something else.

e. Expert advice

Choosing the right furniture material for the home can sometimes be a difficult choice, so feel free at any point in time to seek a professional’s advice who understands interior design and furniture material selection. That way you will be guided in making the right choice. 

f. Be in sync with your personal style and lifestyle

You must consider your personal choices in choosing a furniture material. It will be a waste of money when you choose something that does reflect your personality. This will make you dissatisfied and mostly uncomfortable.

g. Harmony

Your furniture materials must blend into the environment it should be situated. As a result, you take into account the type of the floor, the walls and the ceiling. All these must be taken into consideration. Every piece of furniture must be in agreement with the rest of the home to give it that perfect visual.

h. Avoid rush

Avoid buying furniture materials impulsively. It should be a decision that is made after much thought. At this point, you should be clear on the style of furniture material and budget you are comfortable with and all these take time.

i. Colors and Patterns

Colors and patterns are expected to complement each other. It helps to create depth in the room.


Whatever decision you make when choosing your furniture material, ensure it’s something that makes you happy. This is because, aside from the money spent on the purchase of your furniture, you should equally have an emotional connection to your home.

You are the one to live there and as such you need to make a choice you won’t regret sooner. So while choosing the right material for your home furniture, make it all about you.

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